As of 4/4/2013, SB 1160 is now in effect across Connecticut. This 138 page gun ban drastically alters the laws regarding firearms in Connecticut. No answer in this FAQ should be considered updated until this message is removed. We will be reviewing the new laws and the impacts they will have on Connecticut law and updating this FAq and our site as necessary.
Please stay tuned...
No, it is a useless test question!
No. Connecticut DOES NOT recognize any other state's pistol permits. Nor does Connecticut have "reciprocity" with other states. However, Connecticut does offer non residents the ability to obtain a non resident Connecticut State Pistol Permit. Non residents can apply directly to the Connecticut State Police, Special Licensing and Firearms Unit.
You can obtain an application by calling 860-685-8494 to have an application mailed out, or by downloading one here: www.ct.gov/despp/lib/despp/slfu/pistol_permits/dps-799-c.pdf
More information on Connecticut's lack of "reciprocity" can be found in this Office of Legal Research document.
Yes. The Conneticut Pistol Permit is recognised by a small number other states. States that recognise the Connecticut Pistol Permit may change at any time. Always research the destination state laws as you will be subject to THEIR state laws when carrying in that state.
Currently (as of 1/2/2013) the following states honor the Conneticut Pistol Permit:
AK*, AZ, IA, ID, IN, KY, MI, MO, MS, MT, NC, NE, OK, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT*, WI,
* Vermont, Alaska & Arizona: Anyone who can legally own a firearm can carry it concealed. No Permit/license is required. Must be 21 Y/O.
The current Connecticut General Statues appears to indicate a pistol permit is required for any "firearm" that has a barrel less than 12 inches. However, you will get many differing opinions, and there is currently much debate on various firearm discussion boards, with respect to the meaning and interpretations of current Connecticut General Statues on this subject.
Currently, Connecticut General Statutes § 53a-3 (18) define a "pistol" or "revolver" as follows: "Pistol" or "revolver" means any firearm having a barrel less than twelve inches. And currently, Connecticut General Statutes § 53a-3 (19) defines a "firearm" as follows: "Firearm" means any sawed-off shotgun, machine gun, rifle, shotgun, pistol, revolver or other weapon, whether loaded or unloaded from which a shot may be discharged.
And with very few exceptions, carrying of a pistol or revolver is not permitted without a permit. See Connecticut General Statutes Sec. 29-35. for more information and exceptions.
Any shotgun, semiautomatic or pump, that was legally manufactured prior to September 13, 1994 is not subject to Connecticut's Assault Weapons Ban (AWB) provided it is not "banned by name".
Pump shotguns manufactured after September 13, 1994 are not subject to the Connecticut AWB.
Semiautomatic shotguns manufactured after September 13, 1994 ("post ban) are subject to the Connecticut AWB. And as such are banned if they have at least two of the following features:
- A folding or telescoping stock
- A pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon
- A fixed magazine capacity in excess of five rounds
- An ability to accept a detachable magazine
Connecticut General Statute Sec. 53-202m.
Connecticut General Statute Sec. 53-202a.
As long as you are not prohibited from possessing firearms/handguns, you do not need a pistol permit when moving to Connecticut with legally owned handguns in your possession. It is recommended however that one obtains a non resident pistol permit before moving into the state then notifying the DEPP/SLFU to change the address on your pistol permit to your new Connecticut address.
Note: You cannot carry your handgun outside of your home/business, with limited exceptions, without a valid Connecticut Pistol Permit.
Connecticut General Statute Sec. 29-28.
Connecticut General Statute Sec. 29-35.
Connecticut General Statute Sec. 29-38. (b)
With very few exceptions you cannot bring into Connecticut any firearm that is classified as an "Assault Weapon". See Connecticut General Statute Sec. 53-202a for the definition of an "assault weapon", the banned by name firearms, and what features are permitted/prohibited on firearms manufactured after September 13, 1994. See Connecticut General Statute Sec. 53-202d (b) for the very narrow exceptions.
For any semiautomatic rifle manufactured after September 13, 1994 ("post ban"), which is capable of accepting a detachable magazine; one must remove, grind off, or fix/pin in place the following items if said rifle has more than two of the these features.
- A folding or telescoping stock
- A pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon
- A bayonet mount
- A flash supporessor or threaded barrel designed to accomodate a flash suppressor
- A grenade launcher
For example on a "post ban"AR-15 rifle, since they generally have a pistol grip and a threaded barrel, one must remove a flash suppressor and pin in place a brake or compensator. If the "post ban" AR-15 has a collapsible stock in addition to a pistol grip and threaded barrel, the collapsing stock also must be pined or fixed in place so it cannot collapse or expand. On "post ban" AR-15 with a pistol grip and threaded barrel and a bayonet mount, one can simply grind off, or down, the bayonet mount.
Connecticut General Statutes Sec. 53-202m.
Connecticut General Statutes Sec. 53-202m.
Connecticut General Statutes Sec. 53-202d
No. Provided the barrel is not shorter than 12 inches, a pistol permit is not required to purchase a pistol grip shotgun. Note: The ATF has indicated that a pistol grip shotgun cannot be sold to anyone under the age of 21.
A firearm with a pistol grip in lieu of the shoulder stock is not designed to be fired from the shoulder and, therefore, is not a shotgun. Since it is a firearm “other than a rifle or shotgun,” the purchaser must be 21 years of age or older. Additionally, interstate controls apply. The licensee and transferee must be residents of the same State.
GCA, 18 U.S.C. § 921 (a) (5)
Connecticut General Statute Sec. 29-37a.
Yes. As long as you are active duty military and have been transferred/assigned/reassigned to Connecticut you may bring any legally owned firearms classified as "Assault Weapons" by Connecticut statute with you when you move into this state. You have 90 day to obtain a "Certificate of possession of assault weapon" by contacting DEPP/SLFU at the following address.
State of Connecticut
Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection
Division of State Police
Special Licensing and Firearms Unit
1111 Country Club Road
Middletown, CT 06457
Telephone (860) 685-8290
Connecticut General Statute Sec. 53-202a.
Connecticut General Statute Sec. 53-202d. (b)
Yes. See Connecticut General Statute 4-183.
No, the law requires that issuing authorities to verify and submit positive identification using a new set of fingerprints if necessary and submit the information with or without fingerprints to the State Police Bureau of identification (SPBI) within 5 days of receiving the application.
The State Police Bureau of Identification, (SPBI), uses the submitted positive I.D. or a set of fingerprints when conducting both a State and Federal Criminal History Records Check on the applicant and returns the results back to the local issuing authority.
The law in Connecticut General Statute Section 29-29 (b), provides discretion to the local issuing authority to waive the taking of an additional set of fingerprints from individuals who have been positively identified and previously fingerprinted.
Individuals who do not plan on carrying a handgun, and simply wish to transport pistols and revolvers between their home and a recognized firing/training range, a Connecticut State Eligibility Certificate may provide authority to transport pistols and revolvers under extremely limited circumstances. Eligibility Certificate information may be found beginning in the Connecticut General Statutes Section 29-36g.
In most cases, applicants are not required to acknowledge or list cases that have been nolled or dismissed. In the case of charges that have been nolled, the charges are dismissed 13 months after the nolle is entered on the court records.
The Governor. The law states that the seven members of the Board shall be appointed by the Governor, two public members and one each from the nominees of each of the following: The Commissioner of Public Safety, the Connecticut State Association of Chiefs of Police, The Commissioner of Environmental Protection, The Connecticut State Rifle and Revolver Association, Inc. and Ye Connecticut Gun Guild, Inc. The first three of these organizations have law enforcement responsibilities. The fourth is a sportsmen’s’ group. The fifth is a gun collectors’ group. At least one of the persons appointed to the Board must be an attorney authorized to practice law in Connecticut.
No. There is no such requirement.
This requirement is questionable due to the fact that there is no requirement contained in the Connecticut General Statutes that mandate this as part of the permit process.
The Commissioner of Public Safety requires completion of an approved course of instruction which should address and answer any questions regarding safe handling or ability to fire a pistol or revolver. Until such time as the Commissioner of Public Safety mandates this requirement, it is not mandatory.
Yes. The board operates as a public agency is subject to the provisions of Connecticut’s Freedom of Information laws.
The board also maintains a website on the internet where a great deal of information, (including audio files of hearings held by the board), which can be reviewed by individuals who find it necessary to file an appeal.
Any semiatutomatic firearm not banned by name meeting the following criteria:
Connecticut General Statute Sec. 53-202a (3) (A)
1. Rifles - Any semiauto rifle that can accept a detachable magazine and has 2 or more of the following features:
- Folding or telescoping stock
- Pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action
- Bayonet mount
- A flash suppressor or threaded barrel designed to accommodate a flash suppressor
- Grenade Launcher
Connecticut General Statute Sec. 53-202a (3) (B)
2. Pistol - Any semiauto pistol that can accept a detachable magazine and has 2 or more of the following features:
- An magazine that attaches to the pistol outside of the pistol grip
- A threaded barrel capable of accepting a barrel extender, flash suppressor, forward handgrip or silencer;
- A shroud that is attached to, or partially or completely encircles, the barrel and that permits the shooter to hold the firearm with the nontrigger hand without being burned
- A manufactured weight of fifty ounces or more when the pistol is unloaded
- Semiauto version of a fullauto firearm
Connecticut General Statute Sec. 53-202a (3) (C)
3. Shotguns - Any semiauto shotgun with two or more of the following features:
- Folding or telescoping stock
- A pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon
- The ability to accept a detachable magazine
- A fixed magazine capacity greater than 5 rounds
Connecticut General Statute Sec. 53-202a (4)
Or the possession of any parts capable of rapid assembly to create a "assault weapon"
Yes. Section 29-28a requires that an application form be furnished to you immediately if you ask for it in person at the police station, and if your request is made other than by an "in person" visit to the police station it should be provided not later than one week after receiving your request for an application. This is explained in the Connecticut General Statutes Section 29-28.
Yes, if you legally possessed the firearm prior to October 1, 1993 and recieved a certificate of possession from the state.
Connecticut General Statute Sec. 53-202d
Firearms manufacturers in state are exempt from the CT AWB.
Connecticut General Statute Sec. 53-202i
No. 60 Day Temporary State Permits cannot be renewed. A new complete application will be necessary before a new temporary permit may be obtained.
You may be. Much depends on the circumstances of the individual case. A person once found not suitable might meet the criteria for suitability at some future time. Normally, the Board will not reconsider a case based upon the same facts until at least one year after its original decision.
Obtain, fill out and submit a current version of the Connecticut State Pistol Permit Application - DPS Form 799-c. Make sure you fill out with no omissions all of mandated and/or required information or facts.
Provide the local issuing authority with Proof of Positive Identification - with or without fingerprints as explained in Connecticut General Statutes Section 29-29 (b).
Payment of the minimum established fees for the State and National Criminal History Record checks as established in Connecticut General Statutes Section 29-30.
Payment of the established fees for the 60 Day Temporary and 5 year Permits as established in Connecticut General Statutes Section 29-30.
All applicants must submit evidence of successful completion of an approved training course, as set forth in Connecticut General Statutes Section 29-28 (b).
Applicants can have NO State or Federal disqualifiers as listed in Connecticut General Statutes Section 29-28 (b).
Applicants who served in the military must submit a copy of their Military Form DD-214.
The issuing authority must "find that such applicant intends to make no use of any pistol or revolver which such applicant may be permitted to carry under such permit other than a lawful use and that such person is a suitable person to receive such permit" as established in Connecticut General Statutes Section 29-28 (b).
Yes. Connecticut General Statutes require all Permit to Carry applications to be made in locations where the applicant maintains a bona fide residence.
The law states that individuals may have more than one residence but only one domicile.
Individuals who have more than one residence in the State of Connecticut may apply in any jurisdiction where they maintain a bona fide residence or a domicile. Connecticut General Statutes Section 29-28 (b).
The following events are considered disqualifiers.
1. Failure to complete a course prescribed by the Commissioner of Public Safety in the safety and use of pistols and revolvers.
2. Felony conviction.
3. Misdemeanor conviction for any one of the following:
a) Penalty for illegal possession. Alternative sentences. Subsection (c) of Section 21 a-279.
b) Criminally negligent homicide. Section 53a-58.
c) Assault in the third degree. Section 53a-61.
d) Assault of a victim sixty or older in the third degree Section 53a-61a.
e) Threatening. Section 53a-62.
f) Reckless endangerment in the first degree. Section 53a-63.
g) Unlawful restraint in the second degree. Section 53a-96.
h) Riot in the first degree. Section 53a-175.
i) Riot in the second degree. Section 53a-176.
j) Inciting to riot Section 53a-178.
k) Stalking in the second degree. Section 53a-181d.
4. Has been discharged from custody within the preceding 20 years after having been found not guilty of a crime by reason of mental disease or defect pursuant to Section 53a-13.
5. Has been confined in a hospital for mental illness as defined in Section 17a- 495, within the preceding 12 months by order of a probate court.
6. Subject to a restraining or protective order issued by a court in a case involving the use, attempted use or threatened use of physical force on another person.
7. Is an alien illegally or unlawfully in the United States.
Suitability and the circumstance surrounding any decision that the applicant is NOT a suitable person.
One of the most common reasons that applications are denied and appealed is the fact that applicants fail to list information on the application regarding previous ARRESTS, CONVICTIONS, COURT ORDERS and incidents where law enforcement may have been involved.
Whether or not the issuing authority, (after conducting a background investigation and reviewing the information supplied), considers the applicant a suitable or unsuitable will be evident by the decision to issue, renew or deny.
Yes. You are required to notify the issuing authority within two business days. Failure to do so can result in a felony prosecution and conviction, $500 fine, three years imprisonment, and forfeiture of any pistols or revolvers in your possession. The notification shall include the old address and new address.
You may contact SLFU at (860) 685-8290 to update your address. A change of address may also be filed via E-mail at or by mailing a letter to: Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, Division of State Police, Special Licensing and Firearms Unit, 1111 Country Club Road, Middletown, CT, 06457. Include your name, permit number, old address and new address.
Within 90 days of the delay, denial or revocation, submit a written letter and the board's questionnaire to the Board of Firearms Permit Examiners, 20 Trinity St. 5th floor, Hartford, CT 06106, requesting that an appeal be initiated and scheduled for a hearing.
Include your name, address, phone number and date of birth and whether or not you are represented by legal counsel. You are best off using a form letter that matches your circumstances from either the BFPE or from our site.
Be sure to do so within the 90-day period specified in Section 29-32b (b) of the General Statutes; otherwise the Board can not consider your appeal.
If necessary, The Board Secretary will send to you and the issuing authority that you allege has delayed, denied or revoked, requests for information in the form of a questionnaire (if you did not submit the questionnaire with your appeal letter) that the Board Secretary will review in order to obtain facts and information sufficient to schedule a fair and impartial hearing. You will be notified to appear at a hearing, if a hearing is required.
Timely submission of ALL facts requested in the questionnaire will assist in scheduling a timely hearing and prevent your case from being dismissed for or placed on a dormancy list.
See the Board of Firearms Permit Examiner's How do I Appeal for more detailed information including the following sample documents/forms that may be used when one appeals.
Board of Firearms Permit Examiners - Sample Appeal Letter
Board of Firearms Permit Examiners - Form to appeal due to the delay
Board of Firearms Permit Examiners - Letter to local Issuing Authority regarding delay of criminal records
Board of Firearms Permit Examiners - Appellant Questionnaire
Connecticut Carry - Permit Delay Form Letters
No. There is no such need or requirement.
An alien is entitled to apply for and receive a permit on the same basis as a citizen. Aliens unlawfully and illegally in the United States are prohibited from obtaining permits.
No. However, your "place of business" must qualify under the law. Generally a business you own will qualify, whereas a business you are employed by, but do not own, will not qualify.
No. Section 29-28a requires that application forms be those prescribed by the Commissioner of Public Safety. In an opinion dated July 9, 1968, the Attorney General said "The clear and obvious intent of the General Assembly was to provide a uniform application for state-wide use by all issuing authorities. The authority to prescribe such a form having been granted to the Commissioner of Public Safety, a municipal police department may not alter, change, or add to the prescribed form no matter how laudable the intent or motive for doing so." This topic is also addressed in a Declaratory Ruling by the Board of Firearms Permit Examiners.
Yes. You must notify the Special Licensing and Firearms Unit of the change of address within 48 hours, and continue to renew your permit.
Connecticut General Statute Sec. 29-28 (b).
A valid 60 day Temporary or 5 year Permit to Carry.
A State Eligibility Certificate MAY allow the transporting of pistols and revolvers in limited circumstances.
Initially, for Connecticut Residents, a Temporary 60 day Connecticut State Pistol Permit to Carry Pistols and Revolvers is applied for and issued by local police departments or selectman's office.
Individuals who do not plan on carrying a handgun, and simply wish to transport pistols and revolvers between their home and a recognized firing/training range, a Connecticut State Eligibility Certificate may provide authority to transport pistols and revolvers under extremely limited circumstances. Eligibility Certificate information may be found beginning in the Connecticut General Statutes Section 29-36g.
Yes, they are included in the publication Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies and may be found on the Board of Firearms Permit Examiners website.
Yes. The appeals process regarding Eligibility Certificates is the same as for Permits to Carry.
The law mandates that the issuing authority must make a decision within eight weeks after the application has been submitted.
Other requirements contained in Connecticut General Statutes Section 29-29 mandate much shorter time periods where the local issuing authorities are required to submit applications and fingerprints to DPS and make decisions following receipt of the National Criminal History Records Check.
The law requires a decision on applications within one week following receipt of the National Criminal History Records Check.
No, as long as the pistol or revolver qualifies as an antique under Connecticut Law.
The issuing authority should and may be required by law, to provide any applicant who has been denied or revoked with a complete statement of the facts together with any documents used which led to the denial decision at least 10 days prior to the hearing, but may be required to provide the information earlier in the appeal process under provisions of the Connecticut Freedom of Information laws.
In any appeal, the appellant is entitled to have copies of all records which may be presented at a hearing in order to prepare for same and not be surprised at a hearing.
The Secretary of the Board of Firearms Permit Examiners is authorized by regulation to make inquiries and request records at any time after the appeal is filed in order to assure a fair hearing, and may in fact possess information and documents which led to any negative decisions regarding Eligibility Certificates or Permits to Carry. Regulations of the Board Section Connecticut General Statute Sec. 29-07.
No, there is no restriction on the capacity of magazines.
It is currently known that many Connecticut towns attempt to require more than the Commissioner of Public Safety requires. This issue has been addressed and resolved in a 1968 Opinion from the Connecticut Attorney General and in a Declaratory Ruling by the Board of Firearms Permit Examiners.
Anything outside of the state requirements listed on the state application is not required and should be provided on strictly a voluntary basis.
You must write a letter of appeal to the Board within 90 days of the date your permit application was denied or permit revoked. The Board will need the date you received notice of the denial or revocation. Be sure to include your name, address, telephone number, date of birth, and your signature.
In any appeals regarding unlawful delays, you will need to state or submit evidence which documents the specific facts of the delay.
To assist the board in scheduling your appeal, you should provide the board with as much detail as possible regarding your delay, denial or revocation as possible including any documents which evidence facts of your appeal.
Yes. The Permit to Carry Pistols and Revolvers allows individuals in possession of a valid permit to carry openly or concealed.
The Board of Firearms Permit Examiners serves as the appeal panel where individuals may address delays, denials and revocations of state issued Eligibility Certificates and Permits to Carry Pistols and Revolvers.
The board accepts at a scheduled hearing, sworn testimony and evidence from both sides to determine two aspects needed to arrive at a fair resolution of the appeal.
The first is whether or not there are any state or federal disqualifiers in the appellant’s background, and the second being whether or not the issuing authority has reason to believe that the appellant is an unsuitable person to receive the Eligibility Certificate or Permit to carry which was applied for.
Yes, Section 29-28 (b) states that no permit shall be issued if the applicant has failed to successfully complete a course approved by the Commissioner of Public Safety in the safety and use of pistols and revolvers.
These courses would include but not be limited to courses offered by a law enforcement agency; a private or public educational institution or a firearms training school using instructors certified by the NRA or the Department of Environmental Protection; State Certified Instructors or NRA Certified Instructors.
No, a local police department may ask you to submit letters of reference; however, your application cannot be refused, delayed or denied for not providing character reference letters.
The Connecticut General Statues in Sections 29-28 and 29-29 provide the minimum legal requirements for applicants and issuing authorities.
Anyone with questions regarding Permits to Carry Pistols and Revolvers should at a minimum first read and have a working understanding of the Connecticut General Statues beginning with Section 29-28 through Section 29-38c.
The answer legally is 'no'. There is no legal requirement to disclose the presence of a firearm either in your car or on your person during a traffic stop.
This issue is a subjective one. People have their own opinions on how to handle this situation.
One school of thought is to hand your pistol permit over to the police officer with your license and let him ask the questions from there if they choose to so.
Another school of thought is to not offer information that is not needed unless being asked to step out of the car or directly asked about the presence of firearms.
By all means, lying to a police officer about the presence of a firearm is likely to end up with you in legal trouble.
Since there is no legal disclosure requirement, this is a matter that is entirely up to you. You should do what you are comfortable with.
No, as this is not one of the exemptions provided for in Section 29-35.
No. Appellants are NOT required to retain an attorney and are entitled if they so choose to represent themselves before the board.
No. "Need" is not among the criteria stated in the law. However, issuing authorities may inquire into the reason that you wish a permit in order to determine that you intend to make no unlawful use. The issuing authority may not deny or delay your permit application on grounds of "insufficient need".
The law is silent on this matter. The original training certificate is your property and you do not need to give it to anyone. A copy should suffice, and a call/email/letter to your NRA instructor from the police department confirming your attendence and passing of the course should be more than sufficient should the copy of your certificate be questioned.
The following firearms are banned by name:
Algimec Agmi; Armalite AR-180; Australian Automatic Arms SAP Pistol; Auto-Ordnance Thompson type; Avtomat Kalashnikov AK-47 type; Barrett Light-Fifty model 82A1; Beretta AR-70; Bushmaster Auto Rifle and Auto Pistol; Calico models M-900, M-950 and 100-P; Chartered Industries of Singapore SR-88; Colt AR-15 and Sporter; Daewoo K-1, K-2, Max-1 and Max-2; Encom MK-IV, MP-9 and MP-45; Fabrique Nationale FN/FAL, FN/LAR, or FN/FNC; FAMAS MAS 223; Feather AT-9 and Mini-AT; Federal XC-900 and XC-450; Franchi SPAS-12 and LAW-12; Galil AR and ARM; Goncz High-Tech Carbine and High-Tech Long Pistol; Heckler & Koch HK-91, HK-93, HK-94 and SP-89; Holmes MP-83; MAC-10, MAC-11 and MAC-11 Carbine type; Intratec TEC-9 and Scorpion; Iver Johnson Enforcer model 3000; Ruger Mini-14/5F folding stock model only; Scarab Skorpion; SIG 57 AMT and 500 series; Spectre Auto Carbine and Auto Pistol; Springfield Armory BM59, SAR-48 and G-3; Sterling MK-6 and MK-7; Steyr AUG; Street Sweeper and Striker 12 revolving cylinder shotguns; USAS-12; UZI Carbine, Mini-Carbine and Pistol; Weaver Arms Nighthawk; Wilkinson "Linda" Pistol.
The model/make restriction also makes the possession of parts for rapid assembly of these firearms illegal.
Connecticut General Statute Sec. 202a (1) (2)
No. There are no limits or conditions placed on the number of times an individual may submit additional applications.
Individuals may apply as often as they desire, and may submit new applications with new or additional facts to correct any incorrect or missing information which may have caused the denial of a previously filed application.
Double check all information and make sure all questions are answered in a complete and truthful manner.
Make copies and keep accurate records of all documents you intend to submit
Keep track of all documents and checks submitted, the date, time and manner that the application was submitted and the name of the person who took the application if dropped off in person.
Track the financial transactions regarding the payment(s) of fees to determine when the checks or money orders are cashed for the State and National Criminal History Records Checks.
Though NOT mandated by law or required, it may be helpful and could expedite the application process to pay for, an submit to, a State and National Criminal History records check though the State Police Bureau of Identification, (SPBI) in Middletown prior to filling out or submitting an application for an Eligibility Certificate or Permit to Carry Pistol or Revolvers.
Though NOT mandate by law or required, it may be advantageous to apply for and pay the additional fees and obtain a State Eligibility Certificate prior to making application for a Permit to Carry Pistols and Revolvers.
Possession of a State Eligibility Certificate is prima fascia evidence that there are no State or Federal disqualifiers which would prevent the issuance of a State Permit to Carry.
The warden of the borough or the first selectman of the town as stated in Connecticut General Statutes Section 29-28a.
Yes. In most cases all Connecticut residents must first apply for and obtain a Temporary State Permit which is valid for only 60 Days.
Connecticut residents who also maintain a residence in another state and possess a valid resident Permit to Carry handguns from the state where they maintain another residence, may be eligible to apply for a non-resident permit directly from the Department of Public Safety.
The Connecticut General Statutes in Section 29-28 (b) requires that before an issuing authority may issue a permit to carry pistols and revolvers, the issuing authority must have documentation that the applicant has successfully attended and passed a course of instruction approved by the Commissioner of Public Safety.
There is currently no expiration to previously issued certifications of course completion.
Applicants, who have taken an approved course of instruction in the past, do not have to take the course again.
No. The law only permits law enforcement to confiscate or seize INVALID permits. Except for extreme circumstances, the only agency authorized to confiscate, seize or revoke a Valid Permit to Carry Pistols and Revolvers is the Department of Public Safety after an investigation and finding of JUST CAUSE to do so.
Yes. The Connecticut Permit to Carry Pistols and Revolvers currently allows individuals in possession of a valid permit to carry their handgun openly or concealed.
However, individuals who expose their weapons regardless of circumstance(s) may be confronted by members of the public and/or members of law enforcement who see or become aware of the firearm.
Individuals who intentionally engage in overt acts while carrying a firearm may find themselves facing arrest by law enforcement if the circumstances justify an arrest.
There are currently many private citizens and members of law enforcement who are currently unaware of the fact that open carry is permitted in Connecticut.
The fees are listed on the first page of DPS Form 799-c which is available at any local issuing authority or the Department of Public Safety.
The Department of Public Safety in addition to the fee for a National Criminal History Records Check, began on October 1, 2009, charging applicants for the State Criminal History Record Checks conducted as part of the application process to obtain Eligibility Certificates and Permits to Carry Pistols and Revolvers.
The CT Assault Weapons Ban is a law that restricts the sale and possession of firearms specifically banned by name. It also restricts the sale and possession of firearms based on a "feature count".
No. The locations where a person may NOT carry a weapon are not listed in any central location and require a complete understanding of the law.
Connecticut General Statutes Section 29-28 (e), provides the right for private citizens and businesses to prohibit firearms on their property or in their businesses, and this same clause is currently interpreted to allow government buildings to prohibit firearms inside of them as well.
Some of the places where you may not specifically carry a firearm:
- A school [1]
- A courthouse (by Judicial Decree)
- A 'state worksite' if you are a state employee [2]
- Any legislative building or where legislative offices exist [3]
- Federal Courthouses [4]
- Federal Buildings [4]
- Any Building Owed, Leased or Rented by the Federal Government. [4]
- Federal Prisons [4]
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers property [5]
- National Cemeteries [6]
- Military Bases [4] [7]
- Offices rented by the Federal Government [4]
- Post Office (Includes Post Office owned parking lots or any other Postal property) [8]
- Bureau of Land Management buildings [4]
- Indian Reservations [9]
- State of Conneticut Parks and Forests [10]
[1]: https://www.cga.ct.gov/current/pub/chap_952.htm#sec_53a-217b
[2]: http://www.ct.gov/opm/LIB/opm/OLR/Notices/exc16.pdf
[3]: http://cga.ct.gov/2011/pub/chap016.htm#Sec2-1e.htm
[4]: 18 USC § 930 - Possession of firearms and dangerous weapons in Federal facilities
[5]: US Army Corps of Engineers Rules and Regulations Pamphlet
[6]: CFR Title 38 - PART 1 - 1.218 (a) (13)
[7]: Check at each Military Post for specific rules on Shooting Clubs.
[8]: 39 CFR 232.1(I)
[9]: Carry on Indian property is controlled by Tribal Law.
[10]: http://www.ct.gov/dep/lib/dep/regulations/23/23-4-1through5.pdf Note: According to DEP, a person may legally possess a handgun in a state park or forest when carrying the handgun (no larger than .22 caliber) exclusively for hunting small game (e.g., rabbits, squirrels) or other authorized activities, such as for use at a firearms range or participation in a hunter education class. See this Office of Legal Research document for more information.
National Parks/National Wildlife Refuges: As of February 22, 2010 it is legal to carry on Federal National Park and National Wildlife Refuge lands provided one can legally carry in that state. Note however that some National Monuments require the user to pass through a federal building and possibly through a security checkpoint. In these cases, weapons are prohibited in the federal building and will be confiscated at National Park/National Monument security checkpoints. A few examples of National/State Monuments with security checkpoints: NYC 9/11/Ground Zero Memorial, Liberty Island (Statue of Liberty), Ellis Island.
No. Even in situations where there is no criminal record of any kind, the issuing authority is currently entitled to consider any credible facts or evidence which pertain to the conduct, judgment, character, reputation, habits, behavior, physical condition, mental condition, etc., of the seeker of the permit - to the extent that it bears on the question of the suitability of the individual to carry handguns. While all of the above may be considered, a permit may be denied (or revoked) only for just and proper cause. The issuing authority may not be arbitrary or capricious in refusing a permit.
If you are not satisfied with the reason for the delay beyond the mandated times, you may immediately submit a written appeal to the Board of Firearms Permit Examiners.
If you obtain evidence the no decision has been made one week after the issuing authority has received the results of your National Criminal History Records Check, you may attempt to contact the issuing authority to determine why a decision has not been made.
If at the end of eight weeks you have still not received an approval or denial, contact the issuing authority and inquire about the status of your application.
If there appears to be minor administrative delays, you may wish to, but are not required, to wait an additional period of time for the situation to be resolved.
Any appeal made to the Board of Firearms Permit Examiners may be withdrawn when the application is approved.
Yes. If the firearm was manufactured before September 13, 1994 it is exempt from the CT AWB, barring it is not banned by name.
Connecticut General Statute Sec. 53-202m
No. The fact that a handgun is carried rather than transporting can result in a felony prosecution and conviction whenever a handgun is carried without a permit.
No fee is charged by the Board. Each member of the Board serves without pay. The Board’s office and clerical expenses are borne by the State.
Yes. Each member of the Board has accepted a public office. A public office is a trust created by law for a public purpose, and, in the case of each Board member, carries with it an obligation to ensure that he and the Board act in a fair and impartial manner in the conduct of hearings, in rendering decisions, and transacting Board business.
No. There is no expiration date on NRA training certificates. CGS 29-28 states only that the applicant must successfully complete an approved course of training. The NRA site discusses that the only certifications with expirations are for instructors. Source: BFPE
Yes. Connecticut General Statutes require all Permit to Carry applications to be made in locations where the applicant maintains a bona fide residence.
The law states that individuals may have more than one residence but only one domicile.
Individuals who have more than one residence in the State of Connecticut may apply in any jurisdiction where they maintain a bona fide residence or a domicile. Connecticut General Statutes Section 29-28 (b).