Connecticut Legislators made their priorities clear when they adjourned the Connecticut legislative session on May 4th. While Connecticut Legislators could not bring themselves to make a timely vote on a budget, they had plenty of time to infringe upon the right to armed defense.
Despite facing a grave financial crisis, and a Constitutional article forbidding such bills, the Connecticut Legislature has once again decided to violate Connecticut law and the Constitution to protect Connecticut agencies that violate standing law through edicts of new law.
Connecticut Carry counsel Attorney Rachel Baird exposed the Connecticut State Police violating Connecticut General Statutes in confiscating firearms under temporary restraining orders, going so far as to report the violations of basic rights to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Connecticut state officials. Connecticut’s response to the violations? Make those violations into law.
When Michael Picard was harassed, detained and cited for infractions for violating ‘laws’ that were made up in conspiracy against him, instead of the state’s attorney’s office doing the right thing, they released a letter illustrating how police could repeat this violation of rights and get away with it. The legislature followed suit by proposing and pursuing bills to help the police violate that right and get away with it.
“In the even year session the general assembly shall consider no business other than budgetary, revenue and financial matters, bills and resolutions raised by committees of the general assembly and those matters certified in writing by the speaker of the house of representatives and president pro tempore of the senate to be of an emergency nature.” – Article III – Connecticut Constitution
“We have been a witness to the new rule of law in Connecticut: Police violate civil rights, the legislature dutifully codifies those violations into law. Notice that each bill aimed at taking our rights away utilizes the term ‘To Implement the Governor’s Budget Recommendations’ as if that incantation will somehow spirit away any culpability of the unconstitutionality of those bills.” – Matt Tyszka – Director of Legislative Affairs, Connecticut Carry
“All three branches have been out of control for quite a while here in Connecticut. The legislature is only re-emphasizing their long standing commitment to harm the citizens of Connecticut. The legislators will pay dearly for their treachery in the upcoming elective cycle like they did during the last cycle. We will never forgive. We will never forget.” – Rich Burgess – President, Connecticut Carry