• P.O.Box 839, North Branford, CT 06471

When Seconds Count the Police Are Ten Minutes Away

Terrifying 911 Call Describes Unarmed Helplessness During Home Invasion
  • Litchfield County CT, January 7, 2016
  • Press, Media, Releases
  • Posted by Connecticut Carry

On January 6th, 2016 the Patel home invasion and murder case began in the Litchfield Country Courthouse. Connecticut Carry Director and American News and Information Services President Edward Peruta was on hand to video tape the trial after a hard fought battle for transparency in the court concluded just a day earlier.

But why would a court not want public transparency?

As it turns out, ten minutes of 911 call from the mother of the shooting victim give a possible reason. The home invasion, which was carried out on August 6, 2012, in Sharon Connecticut found the victim’s mother zip-tied with her son Luke dead from multiple gunshot wounds pleading with the dispatcher for police and an ambulance for ten minutes. At approximately 6 minutes into the call, she exclaims that ‘she doesn’t have a gun and couldn’t defend herself’ in an audible display of despair.

Politicians who are protected by armed security details like Governor Malloy, the Connecticut General Assembly and Connecticut’s Federal Representatives and Senators continually tell the public that this kind of thing doesn’t happen. That people do not need firearms to defend themselves, and worse, they create infringements on the right to armed self-defense for the citizens in Connecticut.

Connecticut Carry’s stance is clear:

Every citizen has the right to bear arms in defense of himself and the state.

– Article 1, Section 15 – Connecticut Constitution

There is, of course, no guarantee that a firearm and training would have prevented this law-violating, deliberate home invasion and murder. However, the regret that somebody did not have the means to defend themselves and their loved one(s) is something that should never be inflicted by government edict. And no person should ever have to sit for ten minutes waiting for help from armed felons. This is all the more egregious in a state government run by a man whose son has plead guilty of shockingly similar crimes to what happened in Sharon Connecticut. Perhaps there is a reason why that same politician wants people unarmed in their homes, as a horrible and immoral way of protecting his loved ones.

“Evil is real. The right to armed self-defense is about people being able to use force to defend themselves against that evil. We watch in horror as that evil slaughters unarmed people over and over. We insist upon, and will aggressively defend, our right to armed self-defense.”

– Connecticut Carry President Rich Burgess

"Every elected official should listen to this audio clip."

 - Connecticut Carry Director of Legal Affairs Ed Peruta

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