• P.O.Box 839, North Branford, CT 06471

Every citizen has the right to bear arms in defense of himself and the state.

The Sandy Hook Elementary School Tragedy

Discussions to be had in the wake of such a tragic catastrophe
  • Hartford, Connecticut, 12/19/2012
  • Press, Media, Releases
  • Posted by Connecticut Carry

In the wake of the horrific tragedy that fell upon the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut Carry would like to offer its deepest, warmest, most heartfelt condolences to the victims and the impacted. We have spent a great deal of effort and put our heart and souls into a belief that we hold very dear: To never see a human being that is left defenseless against the whim of a madman. It is hard to not feel failure when you see such a senseless tragedy befall so many innocent and defenseless lives.

We agree with Governor Malloy, “Evil visited this community”. That is truly a simple and harsh reality we all need to face. Evil exists in this world. Evil people do evil things. We all like to think that it cannot happen to us, or that all people are good people. Certainly we want to think that even the worst monster could not do what was done in Newtown that morning. But this is not reality. Many people know this, many people may not. In Connecticut, we have approximately 170,000 pistol permit holders. This gives us an idea that at least the same number must recognize that evil is an inescapable fact of life and the human condition.

We had hoped that the politicians, the pundits and the usual talking heads in the media could have respected the victims and those impacted in the immediate aftermath of the tragedy and not tried to use it for political gain. Surely with the upcoming legislative session we could have frank and open debates about whether or not the inanimate objects used in this tragic crime were responsible for the actions of a madman. However, in the words of Rahm Emanuel: “You never let a serious crisis go to waste.” We certainly saw examples all over the place of this when within hours of the event, every politico with an agenda had already come out to loudly profess his plan to penalize and take away the rights of the hundreds of millions of gun owners nationwide because of the incomprehensible and inexcusable actions of a madman. Surely some people crying out for the government to curtail rights might not know enough about the issue and are simply reacting to tragedy with an easy talking point, but it is without doubt that many are making political hay of a tragedy in a despicable manner.

Connecticut Carry stands firm in its convictions and mission statement to protect the right of the citizens in Connecticut to bear arms in defense of themselves and the state. In the emerging narratives arising from this crisis, we see story after story of heroic actions on the part of the teachers and faculty of Sandy Hook Elementary School. One must wonder how the outcome of this tragedy could have been altered had the principal, psychologist and teachers who confronted the madman not been left defenseless while trying to protect such pure and precious dependants.

We have seen time and time again how the inane policies and fantasies of ‘gun free zones’ play out. We have numerous comparisons both recent and past that show marked differences between madmen who have free and unmolested access to disarmed victims and madmen who are confronted by armed citizens who are on the side of good.

We invite the media to continue to engage in the discussions concerning the right to bear arms in Connecticut and nationwide. We also ask that the media take the time to let both sides weigh in on the issue. Connecticut Carry will make itself available going forward to discuss in any venue necessary the right of the citizens of Connecticut to be able to defend themselves with the latest and greatest technology available to them.

This is an important discussion to have and we would be happy to answer questions, engage in debates and discuss the issues, facts and feelings provided the people across Connecticut impacted by this tragedy are respected.


Connecticut Carry is dedicated to advancing and protecting the fundamental civil rights of the men and women of Connecticut to keep and bear arms for defense of themselves and the state as guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the Constitution of Connecticut.

Richard Burgess
Connecticut Carry, Inc
Ph: 203-208-9577

Seymour Police Department refuses to follow the law

The police department of Seymour, Connecticut has been ignoring our state laws
  • Seymour, Connecticut, 9/28/2012
  • Press, Media, Releases
  • Posted by Connecticut Carry

Connecticut Carry has received numerous complaints that the Seymour Police Department continues to demand additional and invasive requirements before they allow their citizens to apply for a permit to carry pistols and revolvers. Further, the Seymour Police Department refuses those applications if a citizen rightfully refuses the demand.

The lack of legal authority for a local police department in the State of Connecticut to invent their own requirements and supplemental forms in the application process has been established in legal opinions dating back to at least 1968 in a published opinion by then Attorney General Robert Killian.

In January, 2010, the Connecticut Board of Firearm Permit Examiners upheld this same legal opinion, extending and clarifying it, publishing it and sending it to all of the municipal police departments in the state, including the Seymour Police Department to the attention of current Police Chief Michael Metzler.

In April, 2012, the Connecticut Board of Firearm Permit Examiners once again upheld this same legal opinion in person in front of Connecticut Carry and the Waterbury Police Department during their monthly meeting.

The Seymour Police Department continues to ignore the Attorney General’s office, the BFPE, the legislature and therefore the people of Connecticut by refusing to issue permits to people who refuse to submit to the burdens that the Seymour Police Department has placed on the permit process while lacking any legal authority to do so.

Connecticut Carry calls on the leadership of the Seymour Police Department to correct these behaviors and to stop infringing on the rights of the citizens of Seymour to bear arms.

Connecticut Carry also calls on First Selectman W. Kurt Miller of Seymour to mandate that the Seymour Police department follow the Connecticut General Statutes. Connecticut Carry has also notified the Board of Firearms Permit Examiners and Attorney General George Jepsen in their official capacities on this issue.

More information on this issue can be found on: http://www.ctcarry.com/Campaign/PermitRequirements

Connecticut Carry is dedicated to advancing and protecting the fundamental civil rights of the men and women of Connecticut to keep and bear arms for defense of themselves and the state as guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the Constitution of Connecticut.

Richard Burgess
Connecticut Carry, Inc
Ph: 203-208-9577

The Town of Windsor does the right thing regarding background check fees

Courage in face of the state is not always easy
  • Connecticut, 8/2/2012
  • Press, Media, Releases
  • Posted by Connecticut Carry

In response to Connecticut Carry’s challenge to the State’s power to charge $50 USD for background check fees and our subsequent Demand to Cease and Desist the collection of the unlawful fees; the Town of Windsor has done the right thing and issued a letter to their pistol permit applicants. The letter is given out to pistol permit applicants and informs applicants of our challenge to the fee and what applicants who refuse the fee may expect.

This is an important step in our process of removing this unlawful fee that is used as a hurdle to the rights of citizens here in Connecticut.

Connecticut Carry would like to thank the Town of Windsor for issuing this letter to pistol permit applicants and for standing up against an unlawful practice when it is not popular or easy to do so. This letter shows character on Windsor’s side and Connecticut Carry will work with Windsor to make sure their efforts are not in vain.

Connecticut Carry urges other towns to make the same admissions to their applicants and to make sure that towns do not place themselves in positions of liability as agents of the state when the state is breaking the law.

Please note that pistol permit applicants who deny any town the collection of this fee could potentially be turned down by the state, but that they have not lost their right to appeal to the BFPE and that Connecticut Carry is here and prepared to assist with the appeal process whenever needed.

For more information on our stance on background check fees: http://www.ctcarry.com/BackgroundCheckFee/Fees

Connecticut Carry is dedicated to advancing and protecting the fundamental civil rights of the men and women of Connecticut to keep and bear arms for defense of themselves and the state as guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the Constitution of Connecticut.

  • Connecticut, 8/1/2012
  • Press, Media, Releases
  • Posted by Connecticut Carry

For too long, the Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection (DESPP) has held  their Conviction History Database over the head of many citizens who wish to obtain their pistol permit to buy, possess and carry a handgun. Buying, possessing and carrying firearms is a citizen’s right under Article 1, Section 15 of Connecticut’s Constitution. 1

Many people who have a desire to exercise their rights are too afraid to apply for the permit which asks for an arrest history under penalty of denial and under threat of perjury. Many people are unsure of the status of their arrest history and what has and hasn’t been properly erased based on the erasure statutes of Connecticut. The state and the local issuing authorities use this deficit of knowledge against applicants by denying permits based on any mistakes or omissions in the arrest history no matter how trivial or unrelated the charge may be.

With no way for an applicant to simply look up their history, the state has made a monopoly of background checks that they have also been accussed of abusively charging for.

Connecticut Carry is determined to fix this issue by providing instant access for a very nominal fee for the same data. Citizens in Connecticut can sign up on our website, and pay instantly online through paypal’s trusted service with either their paypal account or via credit or debit cards. Users can then search the state conviction database with either their name or date of birth at their leisure.

Access to the criminal database can be found on http://www.ctcarry.com/ConvictionHistory/StateSearch

Connecticut Carry is dedicated to advancing and protecting the fundamental civil rights of the men and women of Connecticut to keep and bear arms for defense of themselves and the state as guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the Constitution of Connecticut.

Richard Burgess
Connecticut Carry, Inc
Ph: 203-208-9577

State vs Duane Doutel has been dismissed

The aftermath of the judicial malfeasance ‘will not be pretty’
  • Norwalk, Connecticut, 7/30/2012
  • Press, Media, Releases
  • Posted by Connecticut Carry

The happy couple

Mr. Duane Doutel and his Attorney Rachel M. Baird appeared at the Norwalk courthouse (GA20) this morning for the newest leg of the ridiculous saga that has befallen Mr. Doutel. Mr. Doutel’s case was called first and a surprised and befuddled Magistrate tried to play catch up as the prosecution announced that they were willing to ‘nolle’ the charges after a year and five months. Attorney Baird made clear Mr. Doutel’s intent to see this trial through to a dismissal no matter what and that they had no plan to take a compromise like a nolle.

The prosecution completed their spineless slithering by agreeing to dismiss the charges rather than facing the onslaught that they knew would be delivered in a trial. We are confident this was a wise move for the prosecution.

Mr. Doutel’s criminal case has gone through three charges sequentially, each being dropped for a lesser charge each time the prosecution was challenged:

·          Threatening in the Second Degree (Class A misdemeanor)

·          Harrassment in the Second Degree (Class C misdemeanor)

·          Creating a public disturbance (Infraction)

The record of charges shows that the prosecution from the start knew that they had no case and that they only pursued the prosecution of these charges to penalize Mr. Doutel for standing up for himself.

Connecticut Carry commends Mr. Doutel for standing up for himself, for his rights and for standing up for the rights of citizens all across Connecticut by not laying down and surrendering to the ‘contempt of prosecution’ malice brought against him.

Our sincerest thanks and congratulations go out to Mr. Doutel and all the players in Mr. Doutel’s defense counsel. They have truly made a ‘dream team’ which protected a citizen’s rights and stopped a runaway prosecution and a careless court from taking a man’s liberties without cause.

Stay tuned for the ensuing payback exacted via Federal civil right suits.

More information on this issue can be found on http://www.ctcarry.com/NorwalkvDoutel

Connecticut Carry is dedicated to advancing and protecting the fundamental civil rights of the men and women of Connecticut to keep and bear arms for defense of themselves and the state as guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the Constitution of Connecticut.

Richard Burgess
Connecticut Carry, Inc
Ph: 203-208-9577

Norwalk’s Case Against Law Abiding Veteran is Starting to Crumble

Prosecution scrambles desperately in damage control mode
  • Norwalk, Connecticut, 7/3/2012
  • Press, Media, Releases
  • Posted by Connecticut Carry

The prosecution in The State of Connecticut vs. Doutel is scrambling to control the damage to their case as cracks become more and more pronounced in the foundation.

Attorney Rachel M. Baird, Mr. Doutel’s counsel, has been keeping constant pressure on the prosecution and the town of Norwalk. On June 29th, Attorney Baird filed a motion on Mr. Doutel’s behalf for a speedy trial. The motion for a speedy trial demands that the court stop stalling and give Mr. Doutel the trial he has a right to or immediately dismiss the case.

At the same time, Attorney Baird continues to push a Federal civil rights deprivation case against the city of Norwalk on behalf of Mr. Doutel’s wife who inexplicably had her property confiscated by the Norwalk police department during Mr. Doutel’s arrest.

The defense has forced the prosecution to play its hand through consistent and righteous pressure.

Connecticut Carry became aware of the prosecution’s latest desperate move today. The prosecution filed a motion to lower the charge against Mr. Doutel to an infraction (Creating a Public Disturbance). This charge is equally unjustifiable and will not result in a conviction. Since this charge is now an infraction, the prosecution’s move takes away Mr. Doutel’s right to a trial, allowing them to continue to drag this case out even longer.

Clearly the prosecution knows they have no case against Mr. Doutel and never did. Their goal all along has been to deprive Mr. Doutel of his right to bear arms by dragging out a case with a charge that they knew would go nowhere. The only reason the prosecution kept the charge of Second Degree Harassment hanging over Mr. Doutel’s head for over 18 months was to keep a statutory protective order in effect that bars Mr. Doutel from possessing firearms.

Attorney Baird has responded in kind by filing a motion to remove the protective order since it can no longer be justified by statute. The prosecution showed their hand, and it is empty.

This kind of malice against a law abiding citizen combined with the callous waste of taxpayer money to prosecute a veteran who broke no laws should be a warning for citizens of Norwalk and of Connecticut.

It is time for the prosecution to finally put this case to bed and dismiss their unreasonable charge against Mr. Doutel immediately.

More information on this issue can be found on http://www.ctcarry.com/NorwalkvDoutel

Connecticut Carry is dedicated to advancing and protecting the fundamental civil rights of the men and women of Connecticut to keep and bear arms for defense of themselves and the state as guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the Constitution of Connecticut.

Richard Burgess
Connecticut Carry, Inc
Ph: 203-208-9577

West Haven Police Department refuses to follow the law

The police department of West Haven, Connecticut has been ignoring our state laws
  • West Haven, Connecticut, May 6, 2012
  • Press, Media, Releases
  • Posted by Connecticut Carry


Connecticut Carry has received numerous complaints that the West Haven Police Department continues to demand additional and invasive requirements before they allow their citizens to apply for a permit to carry pistols and revolvers. Further, the West Haven Police Department refuses those applications if a citizen rightfully refuses the demand.

The lack of legal authority for a local police department in the State of Connecticut to invent their own requirements and supplemental forms in the application process has been established in legal opinions dating back to at least 1968 in a published opinion by then Attorney General Robert Killian.

In January, 2010, the Connecticut Board of Firearm Permit Examiners upheld this same legal opinion, extending and clarifying it, publishing it and sending it to all of the municipal police departments in the state, including the West Haven Police Department.

In April, 2012, the Connecticut Board of Firearm Permit Examiners once again upheld this same legal opinion in person in front of Connecticut Carry and the Waterbury Police Department during their monthly meeting.

The West Haven Police Department continues to ignore the Attorney General’s office, the BFPE, the legislature and therefore the people of Connecticut by refusing to issue permits to people who refuse to submit to the burdens that the West Haven Police Department has placed on the permit process while lacking any legal authority to do so.

Connecticut Carry calls on the leadership of the West Haven Police Department to correct these behaviors and to stop infringing on the rights of the citizens of West Haven to bear arms.

Connecticut Carry also calls on Mayor John M. Picard of West Haven to mandate that the West Haven Police department follow the Connecticut General Statutes. Connecticut Carry has also notified the Board of Firearms Permit Examiners and Attorney General George Jepsen in their official capacities on this issue.

More information on this issue can be found on: http://www.ctcarry.com/Campaign/PermitRequirements

Connecticut Carry is dedicated to advancing and protecting the fundamental civil rights of the men and women of Connecticut to keep and bear arms for defense of themselves and the state as guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the Constitution of Connecticut.

Richard Burgess
Connecticut Carry, Inc
Ph: 203-208-9577

State Background Check Fees for Temporary State Pistol Permits called into question

Research shows towns collected approximately $1.5 million from unsuspecting permit applicants for the state.
  • Connecticut, April 15, 2012
  • Press, Media, Releases
  • Posted by Connecticut Carry


Since October 1, 2009 the Department of Public Safety (now DESPP) has been collecting an unlawful tax on the right to bear arms in Connecticut. The DESPP has utilized the local issuing authorities in towns across Connecticut as agents of the state to collect a $50 state background check fee.

Local police departments are authorized by law to request and receive state background checks at no cost and do so on a regular basis. Prior to October 1, 2009 this fee exemption was exercised in the investigation into the background of permit applicants. DESPP changed the permit process without authorization from our state legislators who represent the citizens of Connecticut. This amounts to a de facto tax on the right to bear arms protected by Article 1, Section 15 of the Connecticut Constitution without the representation found in the legislature.

Since October 1, 2009 there have been over $1.5 million in these fees collected.

Connecticut Carry has sent a demand to cease and desist in the collection of this fee to every town in Connecticut.

We ask citizens of Connecticut to spread the word to refuse the collection of this fee and report to us any town who does not comply.

“No Taxation Without Representation!”   -  Reverend Jonathan Mayhew

"Taxation without representation is tyranny." -  James Otis

More information on this issue can be found on http://www.ctcarry.com/BackgroundCheckFee/Background.

Connecticut Carry is dedicated to advancing and protecting the fundamental civil rights of the men and women of Connecticut to keep and bear arms for defense of themselves and the state as guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the Constitution of Connecticut.

Richard Burgess
Connecticut Carry, Inc
Ph: 203-208-9577

Convicted Felon Doctor trusted over Law Abiding Veteran

The Norwalk Police Department trusts the word of a convicted felon to prosecute a law abiding veteran.
  • Norwalk, Connecticut, 3/31/2012
  • Press, Media, Releases
  • Posted by Connecticut Carry


Dr. Igal Staw, the Norwalk Police Department and Norwalk’s State’s Attorney Tiffany Lockshier have conspired to prosecute a Norwalk Veteran for over a year in an attempt to demonize the man’s human right to carry a firearm.

Dr. Igal Staw plead guilty in Federal Court to felony federal health care fraud in 2007.  He still practices medicine out of Norwalk, Connecticut. Somehow, a felony conviction is enough for you to lose your human right to possess and carry a firearm, but it is not enough to take away the trusted status of a medical doctor to practice medicine on the citizens of Connecticut.

Norwalk resident Duane Doutel was scheduled for a surgery for a painful and debilitating condition and needed tests to clear him for surgery. His doctor, Dr. Staw, performed the tests. When he neglected to forward the results of the test to Mr. Doutel’s surgeon as instructed on multiple occasions, Mr. Doutel got the feeling that this was not a good sign. When he researched Dr. Staw, he found out about his status as a convicted felon for criminal deception and he communicated his concern to Dr. Staw and the possible relation of this to his missing results.

When Mr. Doutel left an innocuous voicemail message that he would “come down there and that it would not be pretty” if the results he had paid cash for were not forwarded as requested and instructed, Dr. Staw saw his opportunity and concocted an elaborate series of mischaracterizations and lies about Mr. Doutel. When he reported these to Norwalk Police Officer Jared Zwickler, the rookie officer took Dr. Staw’s words as gospel, gathered fellow officers into a raid team and stormed Mr. Doutel’s property, arresting the confused but compliant Vietnam-era veteran and searching his house, seizing his firearms, including priceless family heirlooms that cannot be replaced.

State’s Attorney Tiffany Lockshier has spent over a year trying to keep Mr. Doutel from possessing weapons and regaining the property that the Norwalk Police stole from his home despite the only charge involved in the case being Harassment in the Second Degree (CGS 53a-183). This misdemeanor charge, even if convicted, would not prohibit Mr. Doutel from possessing firearms. Still, State’s Attorney Lockshier operates on her own bias against our human rights and uses the court to keep Mr. Doutel from his rights.

To this date, Mr. Doutel still has a criminal charge over his head, a court order to not possess firearms, and mounting legal fees. Connecticut Carry urges the citizens and officials of Connecticut to get involved and stop this baseless and criminal prosecution against an innocent man.

Mr. Doutel's case is 'The State of Connecticut vs. Doutel' (Docket # S20N-CR11-0128328-S). It is time for the people of Connecticut to stand up and tell the Norwalk Police and State’s Attorney Tiffany Lockshier that the people of Connecticut do not condone taking human rights from a person without cause at the request of a felon.

Connecticut Carry stands behind Mr. Doutel and Attorney Rachel M. Baird as they fight this fight together. The results of this fight could very well have an impact on the rights of citizens across Connecticut and how these laws are interpreted to deny our rights. We must make sure that those in charge receive our message loud and clear.


More information on this issue can be found on http://www.ctcarry.com/Litigation/NorwalkvDoutel_Intro

Connecticut Carry is dedicated to advancing and protecting the fundamental civil rights of the men and women of Connecticut to keep and bear arms for defense of themselves and the state as guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the Constitution of Connecticut.

Richard Burgess
Connecticut Carry, Inc
Ph: 203-208-9577

Waterbury Police Department refuses to follow the law

The police department of Waterbury, Connecticut has been refusing permits against the clear intent of the state legislature.
  • Waterbury, Connecticut, April 1, 2012
  • Press, Media, Releases
  • Posted by Connecticut Carry

Connecticut Carry has received numerous complaints that the Waterbury Police Department continues to demand additional and invasive requirements before they allow their citizens to apply for a permit to carry pistols and revolvers. Further, the Waterbury Police Department refuses those applications if a citizen rightfully refuses the demand.

The lack of legal authority for a local police department in the State of Connecticut to invent their own requirements and supplemental forms in the application process has been established in legal opinions dating back to at least 1968 in a published opinion by then Attorney General Robert Killian.

In January, 2010, the Connecticut Board of Firearm Permit Examiners upheld this same legal opinion, extending and clarifying it, publishing it and sending it to all of the municipal police departments in the state, including the Waterbury Police Department.

The Waterbury Police Department continues to ignore the Attorney General’s office, the BFPE, the legislature and therefore the people of Connecticut by refusing to issue permits to people who refuse to submit to the burdens that the Waterbury Police Department has placed on the permit process while lacking any legal authority to do so.

Connecticut Carry calls on the leadership of the Waterbury Police Department to correct these behaviors and to stop infringing on the rights of the citizens of Waterbury to bear arms.

Connecticut Carry also calls on Mayor Neil O’Leary of Waterbury to mandate that the Waterbury Police department follow the Connecticut General Statutes. Connecticut Carry has also notified the Board of Firearms Permit Examiners and Attorney General George Jepsen in their official capacities on this issue.


More information on this issue can be found on: http://www.ctcarry.com/Campaign/PermitRequirements

Connecticut Carry is dedicated to advancing and protecting the fundamental civil rights of the men and women of Connecticut to keep and bear arms for defense of themselves and the state as guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the Constitution of Connecticut.

Richard Burgess
Connecticut Carry, Inc
Ph: 203-208-9577

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